About Us

Merchiston Community Council (MCC) is one of the original community councils of Edinburgh and has been speaking up for the people of Merchiston since the early 1980s.

MCC consists of up to 16 individual members – who are each elected for a period of three years – and around eight representatives (’nominated members’) of groups such as neighbourhood associations, traders’ organisations, local churches etc. Any organisation which is active in the local community is welcome to approach MCC with a view to becoming represented. Members of the community council work, or have worked, in fields such as town planning, law, accountancy, education, healthcare and business, and give the community free use of their time and expertise. MCC is particularly active in challenging controversial planning and licensing proposals, often with reference to regulations arising from Merchiston’s status as a Conservation Area. It is also concerned with ongoing parking debates and other issues affecting the amenity of the area. With the establishment of the new Neighbourhood Partnerships (NPs), members of the community council now have the added responsibility of attending meetings of the two partnerships straddling our area, ie South West NP and South Central NP.

We hold regular public meetings which allow local residents to be kept informed of current issues – and to take part in the discussions.

The Police are normally in attendance and report on crime in the area as well as any local concerns and the MCC will often discuss local planning and licensing applications.

MCC’s meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month (except for April, July, August and December) at the Merchiston Tennis and Bowling Club in Polwarth Terrace. Check our meetings page for dates.

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