Agenda May 21st 2024


  1. Introduction by Chair. Apologies for Absence. Declarations of Interest
  2. Minutes of 19thMarch Public Meeting – for Approval. Matters Arising
  3. Residents’ Issues Forum – Residents are invited to raise local issues of concern
  4. Chair’s Report– Ian Doig, MCC Chair (report attached)
  5. Polwarth Pavements Improvements Project –Roma Menlowe (report attached)
  6. Trees Issues – Roma Menlowe  – for decision (report attached)
  7. Licensing Report– Bridget Stevens, Licensing Lead
  8. Planning Report– Mairianna Clyde, Planning Lead
  9. Police Report – Police Forum report by Bridget Stevens (report attached)
  10. City Councillors’ Reports. CEC Councillor scheduled – Cllr Ben Parker(In addition, all Ward 9 and Ward 10 City Councillors are invited to all MCC meetings)
  11. Recycling Box for Tablet Packs – Proposal by Vivien Kitteringham
  12. Treasurer’s Report– Frances Hawarden, Treasurer (report attached)
  13. Other Reports and Correspondence
  14. Any Other Business

Future Meetings (3rd Tuesday each month):

18 June AGM, 17 September, 15 October, 19 November

(No MCC public meeting in April, July, August & December)

Note: MCC online meetings are recorded to facilitate writing the minutes. By joining this meeting, you are giving your consent in that regard.

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