Screenshot of "Edinburgh Talks Climate" website

Edinburgh Talks Climate: Impact of Climate Change in the city

Published on behalf of City of Edinburgh Council

Edinburgh Talks Climate is a new website with information which allows residents to make more sustainable choices and encourages them to do so. This is to help the city to reach its goal of net-zero emissions by 2030.

The site has weekly discussion themes which aim to help you find tips, share ideas, inspire others, and take local action on subjects around food, travel, energy, sustainable living and plants and wildlife.

Moreover, this week we have launched a new challenge exploring the Impact of Climate Change in Edinburgh.

We know that climate change is happening. Polar ice caps are melting, wildfires are burning and whole eco-systems are disappearing.

However, that all feels very far away from everyday life in Edinburgh.

Have you started to notice climate change affecting your life in the city?

  • •    Do you find it harder to sleep in the summer months because of the heat? 
  • •    Have you seen parts of the city get increasingly waterlogged or flooded when it rains?
  • •    Are you finding more frequent temperature changes are causing damage to your home? 

How you think Edinburgh will be affected by climate change over the coming months and years?

We are inviting people of all ages to join in the conversation.  

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