MCC Public Business Meeting Minutes – June 2019
1 Chair’s welcome and introductions
Present :
- Tom Graveson
- Mairianna Clyde
- Guillaume Evrard
- Frances Hawarden
- Ian Clement
- Ian Doig
- Ted Tate
- Hugh Hulcrow
- Vivien Kitteringham
- Bridget Stevens
- Helen Zealley
- PC, Oxgangs
- PC, St Leonard’s
2 Apologies for absence
- Ewan Klein
- Cllrs Ross and Murray
- Ian Murray
3 Police reports
3.1 Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
No housebreakings, no assault, road traffic incident in Dorset Place, bike thefts on the increase, motorbike stolen from Granville Terrace, car vandalism
3.2 Meadows/Morningside
- Youths’ misbehaviour on the increase with the season.
- Scottish Canals put prevention metal signs up with various campaigns around the canal because it’s their responsibility. However, these signs go missing, so stencilling would be another solution.
- There might be an issue with calling 101 on mobile phone and going through choices on the phone system.
4 Minutes of the last meeting on 21 May
IC proposed, HH seconded
5 Chair’s report
Community council elections will be held in October. All nominations must be in by 30 September 2019.
Ian Doig carries on with the role of chair of the SWLN funding panel. MCC endorses this.
CEC puts about £50K of funding to support the community funding scheme.
New ambulance critical response system; it’s a bit wordy: five levels of response, from purple (priority for cardiac arrest), red, amber, yellow, green.
Action: put the story on the MCC website
There is a consultation about the future cycle route from Roseburn to the Union Canal. There is a consultation event at St Bride’s community centre.
6 Neighbourhood Networks
Both SW and Morningside are looking for representatives to the local Planning Partnerships (for strategic planning) by 30 June, and for neighbourhood networks.
7 BHS, Viewforth Bridge etc.
Not heard from CEC about the traffic modelling
8 Points raised by residents and public
Dogs in Harrison Park: with the new weather, it’s difficult to exercise dogs, because there are more children and users; there is an area of the West Harrison Park that’s not allowed to dogs at the moment and that’s being underused. The old Caledonian railway path is not ideal because it’s enclosed and not suited for exercise or socialising.
MCC discussed the matter and understand concerns. A dog-priority zone would be useful to prevent clashes with families and BBQs.
The Friends of Harrison Park are a group to get onside in this conversation.
9 Planning
Site visit at Edinburgh Printmakers
Upper flat in 38 Bruntsfield Gardens application was refused.
There is a new provision for HMOs to have additional protection for high sash windows in higher-floor flats to prevent window falls. However, this might prove to be a fire hazard, so this needs investigated.
Action: MC to follow this up with the CEC HMO service, and with the Fire Services
7N have done a consultation exercise with the community, the Fountainbridge Council Initiative; 435 dwellings of which 135 affordable; CEC is warning that whoever is going to be the developer might adapt the masterplan into implementation
Action: put the link to the short-let consultation on the website
Does the short-let use of a neighbouring flat invalidate the insurance of flats that are not used for short-term lets?
TG met with Cala Homes. For the old Boroughmuir High School, work completion Q1 2022, sale starting Q4 2019, sale completing by Q2 2022.
10 Licensing
New arrangements are on the way for the Licensing Forum, they have been approved by CEC, and it’s in progress of being implemented.
There is a consultation between theatres.
Action: put the link to the consultation on the website
11 Communication Group report (inc. new website)
MCC took part to the Meadows Festival, and to the Canal Festival.
The Canal Festival was a ‘huge success’. Cala Homes could be interested in sponsoring the Canal Festival.
12 Councillors – in advance and/or present
No councillors were present.
Cllr Corbett sent some notes. The air quality project with Craiglockhart is progressing.
The proposal for 12 extra classes at the new Boroughmuir Old School is open for consultation.
13 Community Councillors
At the corner of East Harrison Park/Canal towpath/Watson Crescent, there could be a set of accessible stairs.
Action: TT to get in touch with the Head of Parks and Cllr Corbett. Maybe potential for a community grant?
13.1 Treasurer’s report
The auditors’ report has come back.
K&P is MCC’s insurers, including the employer’s responsibility insurance. This should be made public.
Action: FH to forward the insurance document to EK for posting on MCC website.
Minute taking services: professional minute taking is £25/h; for every hour of meeting, it takes 1.5 hour of minute taking. So, this does not appear to be sustainable over the long term.
Data Protection £35 payment never been taken; and then, there is the Data Protection champion that needs to be nominated before registering with the ICO; and explain why and how personal data is processed and stored
14 Health
The Health and Social Care budget will have to be reduced by £29million for 2019-2020. The integration of health and social care is not going well.
George Watson’s welcome the idea of a MCC member from the school; not the same interest from Boroughmuir High School.
Cockburn Association has a public forum on ‘our unique city’ at the McDonald’s road library on 26 June, evening.
Canal towpath: huge problems with air problem, huge problems with congestion; great CEC work with planning various cycle paths around the city centre; the level of traffic along the canal towpath has made it an unsafe place to be just because there are too many users; so the sheer volume has to be directed towards other roads.
16 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 17 September 2019