2019 October Minutes

Public Meeting Minutes

7:00pm, Tuesday 15th October 2019

Location: Merchiston Tennis and Bowling Club on Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh, EH11 1NA

Present: Jacob Horsburgh, Bridget Stevens, David Cairns, Peter Brett, Ted Tate, Ian Doig (from item4)  , Ian Clement,

In attendance: Tom Graveson, PC Neil Mackay, PC Stuart Fraser, Councillor Melanie Main (chair Items 1-3)(minutes)

Minutes Version 1.2


Returning Officer Cllr Melanie Main

E-mail: melanie.main@edinburgh.gov.uk  | Tel: 0131 529 3181/07775 665 499

1.        Police Report

The local community police gave their report and took questions.

2.    Apologies
Mairianna Clyde, Viven Kitteringham, Frances Hawarden, Aulay Mcaffer
3.    Declarations of interest


4.    Declaration of Election Result

The following persons were declared members of the Community Council:

Peter Brett, Ian Clement, Mairianna Clyde, Ian Doig, Frances Hawarden, Joan Houston, Vivien Kiteringham and  Ted Tate.

It was unanimously agreed to co-opt Ewan Klien as a community councillor. (BS nominated,  ID seconded)

5.    Appointment of Office Bearers

           Appointment of Chair:  Ian Doig agreed to chair this meeting

Appointment of Secretary:   Peter Brett and Daniel Cairns agreed to take on minute secretary on a job share basis.

Appointment of Treasurer: Frances Hawarden was appointed Treasurer.

Appointment of Engagement Officer:  It was noted that there was a community engagement Group that covered this area of work and an officer would be appointed in the future.

The community councillors agreed to meet informally before the next meeting to agree how to proceed with office bearers.

6.    Minutes of last meeting and matters arising

Tom Graveson agreed to contact Guillaume, previous Secretary, about minutes of the last meeting.

7.    Advertising meetings

It was agreed that Ted would put up the sign on the fence a week ahead on each meeting.

8. Canal Routes

Peter Brett is meeting with council staff about alternative canal routes for cycling traffic.

9.  Representative Members

Gavin Corbett would be asked for a contact at Craiglockhart Primary School Parent Council.  

Tom and Melanie will clarify and sort out the administration needed for the Representative Members from the Schools.

10 Victor Paris site

The site next Victor Paris is to be turned into student accommodation:  Daniel to speak to Mairianna Clyde.

11 Laptop

Daniel will arrange to get the MCC laptop and to do a handover, including passing on the generic emails for chair and secretary.

12 Members standing down
Those present expressed gratitude and appreciation for their work to  all Merchiston Community Council members who had stood down , especially Tom Graveson who had been an outstanding Chair and Jim Geekie who had been a valued member of MCC since its inception.
Date of next meeting
7:00pm Tuesday 19th  November at Merchiston Tennis and Bowling Club on Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh, EH11 1NA. 
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