2021 November Agenda


Tuesday 16th November 2021, 7.00pm to 9.00pm, Zoom virtual meeting.


Paula McLeay, Head of Policy and Insight at CEC, will give a presentation on Edinburgh’s 2030 Climate Strategy and Net Zero Plan. Followed by questions and discussion. 

Business Meeting Agenda

  1. Introduction — Ian Doig, MCC Chair
  2. Minutes of Public Meeting on 19th October (for approval), and Matters Arising
  3. Chair’s Report — Ian Doig (for noting)
  4. Licensing Report — Bridget Stevens (for noting)
  5. Planning Report — Mairianna Clyde (for noting)
  6. Climate Emergency: Proposal — Declan Murray (for decision)
  7. Transport Report — Navid Saberi and Declan Murray (for noting)
  8. Polwarth Pavements Improvement Project: Progress Report — Declan Murray and Roma Menlowe (for noting)
  9. Leaf-Clearing Project: Progress Report — Joan Houston and Helen Zeally (for noting)
  10. Treasurer’s Report — Frances Hawarden (for noting)
  11. City Councillors’ Reports (for information and questions)
  12. Issues Raised by Residents, and Other Reports (open discussion)
  13. Any Other Business
  14. Future Public Meetings:
    • 18th January 2022 — Presentation by Steve Kerr, Chair of EACC (tbc)
    • 15th February 2022 — Union Canal Bi-Centenary 2022 (tbc)
    • 15th March 2022

Attached Papers

Treasurer’s Report

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