June 2017


MINUTES and PAPERS of public meeting on 20 June 2017 at Merchiston Tennis and Bowling Club

  • CC: Community Council
  • CEC: City of Edinburgh Council
  • EACC: Edinburgh Association of Community Councils
  • FOMBL: Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links
  • LB: CEC Licensing Board
  • LF: CEC Licensing Forum
  • MCC: Merchiston Community Council
  • SCNP: South Central Neighbourhood Partnership
  • SWNP: South West Neighbourhood Partnership

1. Chairman’s welcome and report

2. Apologies for absence

  • Nick Cook, Cllr
  • Gavin Corbett Cllr
  • Jim Geekie
  • Hugh Halcrow
  • Joan Houston
  • Daniel Johnston MP
  • David Key, Cllr
  • Ian Murray MP
  • Ted Tate


  • Tom Graveson (chair)
  • Frances Hawarden (Treasurer)
  • Guillaume Evrard (Minute Secretary)
  • Daniel Cairns
  • Ian Clement
  • Mairianna Clyde
  • Ian Doig
  • Vivien Kitteringham
  • Robin Morris
  • Bridget Stevens
  • Helen Zealley
  • Iain McKinnon, resident
  • Simon Metcalfe, North Merchiston Residents Association (NMRA)
  • Kenneth Redpath, North Merchiston Residents Association
  • Jenny Wilson, resident
  • PC Simon Wotton, Police Scotland (Ward 9 Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart)

3. Police reports

PC Simon Wotton (Ward 9 Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart)

Numerous operations and initiatives against house breakings, high visibility patrols of the canal path and regarding youth antisocial behaviour.

One can report ‘dangerous or erratic driving’ over the phone, especially with the car number.

4. Minutes of the last meeting on 16 May 2017 – accuracy and adoption

5. Matters arising not on the agenda


6. Recent public events

Thanks to MCC members who helped with these events. Members who did not help missed out on meeting other members of MCC and members of the public.

  • Meadows Festival: donation of £100 agreed
  • Canal Festival: donation of £100 agreed

Only need to clarify the addressees of these donations.

NMRA asks for advice on organising a street party in North Merchiston. Best port of call is CEC. Fountainbridge Green belongs to CEC.

7. Areas of Responsibility – Regular reports

Neighbourhood Partnerships

NP have been suspended considering the recent local elections, and the installation of the new localities. So there is a question mark on the seven NPs.

It is important that the business that has been dealt with by NPs so far is not abandoned and taken up by the new localities.

Grant commitments agreed by NPs to local organisations will be honoured.

RM has agreed to carry on his MCC representation on EACC.


Meeting about Boroughmuir High School with Cala Homes, Malcolm Fraser.

Cala Homes have appealed the planning refusal. So, the planning application is with the Scottish reporter, who will examine the grounds for refusal, which are likely to be sound.

Cala Homes bid £13.9M and will cancel their purchase if the planning application refusal is confirmed. Out of the Blue originally offered £16M.

Lower Gilmore Place: PAN with mix of ownership and tenure, and with some businesses like the Parenting Centre.


BMS: Meeting of the Licensing Forum on 20 June 2017; discussion about how many community reps should be on the forum, alongside the licensed trade?

Alcohol Focus Scotland prepared a strategic document; a publican proposed that new pub licensees should have to have a defibrillator in all new pub. Training staff is also essential so that the defibrillator is properly used. Training could be added to take the personal license exam.


HZ: Aislie Ainstley is 42 acres for 81 patients.

Alongside the Health Board, Scottish Futures Forum to take on board what people would like to see happening once the NHS has vacated the site. Developers will then be invited to bid to these specifications like a masterplan.

There are various rights of way that are being preserved and enforced into the conversion of the site after the NHS.


FH proposed that a new signatory be added to the current signatories (BMS and RM) for the MCC business account.

TG will submit an application to the Bank of Scotland in order to register as third signatory for MCC payments by cheque.

Councillors – in advance and/or present

Gavin Corbett (in advance report)

8. Points raised by residents and members of the public

NMRA: Ongoing row over CEC libraries funding. Fountainbridge Library is part of CEC libraries. NMRA has organised a petition on that matter.


ID: the MCC members contact details list needs updated.

VK: on the idea to set up a picnic to increase the visibility of and presence MCC, some bunting and a banner; there is need for liability insurance

FH to check MCC’s insurance policy.

Urban gulls: city-wide urban gull de-nesting group

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 19 September 2017



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