MINUTES and PAPERS of public meeting on 21 March 2017 at Merchiston Tennis and Bowling Club
- CC: Community Council
- CEC: City of Edinburgh Council
- EACC: Edinburgh Association of Community Councils
- FOMBL: Friends of the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links
- LB: CEC Licensing Board
- LF: CEC Licensing Forum
- MCC: Merchiston Community Council
- SCNP: South Central Neighbourhood Partnership
- SWNP: South West Neighbourhood Partnership
1. Chairman’s welcome and report
Last meeting before the elections, and before the MCC AGM.
RM been slightly out of touch, and been cheered up by the many messages of support.
Apologies for the absence of set agenda.
2. Present
- Robin Morris (Chair)
- Jim Geekie (Secretary)
- Guillaume Evrard (Minute Secretary)
- Ian Doig (Treasurer)
- Frances Hawarden (Finance Officer)
- Ian Clement
- Tom Graveson
- Hugh Halcrow
- Joan Houston
- Vivien Kitteringham
- Ewan Klein
- Bridget Stevens
Elected representatives
- Andrew Burns, Cllr
- Gavin Corbett, Cllr
- David Key, Cllr
Police officers
- PC John Pennycook (Fountainbridge/Oxgangs)
Anne Wimberley
- Daniel Cairns
- Mairianna Clyde
- Ian Murray, MP
3. Police Reports
Merchiston area (Edinburgh South West)
There were some minor assaults reported primarily in the Fountainbridge area, all were alcohol-related and some have been solved.
Ongoing speed checks are being conducted around local primary schools.
Thefts of pedal cycles up again, 11 in 4-week period (Gardners Crescent, Lower Gilmore, Gilmore Place, Lochrin Basin, Dundee Street and Mertoun Place).
Attempt to steal a motorcycle from Drysdale Road
There were four thefts from the student accommodation in Bainfield. Suspect were seen, enquiries are ongoing to identidy them.
There has been continued Police activity around drug-related issues within Fountainbridge and Polwarth areas. As part of this the Police has been working closely with partner agencies to develop a localised response to the concerns of the residents.
Following the recent serious incidents at Gibson Terrace, Community officers have been carrying out enhanced reassurance patrols of the area.
Vision for 2026 consultation for Police Scotland, for right priorities and adequate matching resources
IC asked for hard copies to be put in council libraries
BMS suggest to use the Shandon board to publicise consultation too.
HH, should we answer individually, or should we answer as MCC? No strong opinion; ID recommends that MCC members should answer individually because it’s faster than agreeing on a MCC response
RM advises that MCC members can state in their response that they are individual MCC members
North Merchiston Residents Association have been very active, but they are not constituted, which is detrimental for their representation.
GC, there has been positive feedback on the police and housing association coordinated action against drug use and related anti-social behaviour.
Boroughmuir High School builder’s obstruction of nearby pavements. Obstructing pavement is not a criminal offense, so cannot be followed by the Police; this is a matter for CEC.
Merchiston area (Edinburgh South)
No-one to report
4. Edinburgh Rugby at Myreside
JH: residents were very negative to start with; by the third match, all concerns had disappeared. Edinburgh Rugby has engaged residents consistently throughout the period so far; they’ve been ‘very good’ so that there was nothing to discuss lately.
Both Edinburgh and Glasgow rugby teams are up for commercial sale and purchase.
VK and HH in meeting about Scottish Government planning consultation.
EACC meeting about the same topic; main point they try to push is the equal right of appeal
Liaise with MC to see if a response is being prepared for MCC
5. Minutes of the last meeting held on 21 February 2017 and matters arising not on the agenda
6. Regular reports – Neighbourhood Partnerships
South West Neighbourhood Partnership (SWNP)
What happened to the SWNP walkabout?
There seems to be a new rota, twice a year, unless there is an issue in a specific area, because there might a feeling that things have not changed from one time to the next.
See report about the SW Locality meeting from TG.
SWNP Safety Community Group, Monday 27 March, 18h30, Wester Hailes
A vast amount of student accommodation, who’s responsible? Councillors, planning office, local development plan? There is an argument in favour of student accommodation so that the traditional dwelling stock is not overwhelmed by students’ demand.
ID, SWNP Finance Committee; get report from ID; next meeting 31 May 2017
The scheme seems well received.
South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (SCNP)
See report from BMS.
Walkabout on the Meadows on Thursday 23 March, 10am, with the Park Manager, from the Bruntsfield end of the Meadows.
Why do we need so many various levels? AB hints at the fact that NPs might eventually disappear in favour of localities.
SE Locality meeting, Thursday 30 March, 12h45 for 13h00
7. Regular reports – Planning
MC sent her apologies.
GE; how about creating a planning sub-committee, rather than just having a planning lead on behalf of MCC?
BMS thinks it’s a good idea; VK pleads lack of expertise
RM, VK, HH, so they could create a collegiate response on behalf of MCC
Craiglockhart, concerning tree removal
Application for new nursery in Newbattle Terrace has been removed, and the house is back on the market.
The Edinburgh Napier Morningside campus is being returned into a consecrated church.
8. Regular reports – Licensing
The residents representation on the Licensing Forum will change with representatives from the four localities, one representative from EACC.
Music is Audible!: applications come in steadily; in our area, Montpelier’s have applied and it’s been approved.
Time will tell if the new arrangement creates disturbance in the eyes of neighbours.
9. Regular reports – Health
There is good representation from various groups to discuss the Astley Ainslie plans.
10. Regular reports – Treasurer
ID: the healthy balance at end of financial year is some reserve.
GE will get in touch with Kin to sort regular payment for hosting; need to clarify if we pay in advance or arrears.
11. Councillors – in advance and/or present
Gavin Corbett, present
Margiotta’s signboard is up; there is a need for some generic content about MCC. GE gives a copy of the generic leaflet. Several MCC members have a key for the signboard.
Bryson Road car park and kiosk
5 April, Canal meeting organised by SWNP hosted by Reunion Canal Boat, to discuss about community involvement/engagement
Fresh Start, 1 Harrison Place / Harrison Gardens, improved their building, lease up in September; plans to sell building off and build something instead
Harrison Road kebab dumper has stopped
Andrew Burns, present
The 20mph has come into a significant area of the MCC area.
It has cost to CEC, and there are also multiple benefits to residents and society at large.
There is an enforcement period already, especially around schools. Resources are targeted where there will make the biggest impact.
Mixed views about the measure are expressed.
12. Points raised by residents and members of the public
13. AOCB
Received a report on local resident pushing for a new gull de-nesting trial.
Spring Fling promotional table for community councils on Saturday 6 May, Eric Liddell Centre.
Vote of appreciation to Andrew Burns, as that’s his last meeting as CEC local councillor and CEC Council Leader.
14. Date of next meeting, with AGM – Tuesday 16 May 2017, 7pm
RM will be standing down. He’s felt privileged to be in the chair, and feels now is the right time to stand down.
15. Papers
Look up for ‘report’ in the document above.
Summary report by Bridget Stevens on meetings and events attended for MCC since the previous MCC meeting (21 February 2017)
6 March 2017
(with Robin Morris) FOMBL visit to Royal Archers Hall
9 March 2017
(with Robin Morris) CEC Licensing Forum
I also attended a pre-meeting meeting at which community reps discussed how to make chairmanship of the LF more reflective of the group’s membership.
This suggestion was put to LF meeting itself but met with resistance from the present Chair. Meeting agreed that present Chair should remain in office until establishment of new CEC and new LB.
Chair confirmed that she would like to see membership of the LF reviewed considering new localities.
(Explanatory note: LF includes community reps and advises the LB on policy etc. (not individual licence applications); LB, consisting of elected ward councillors, decides on individual licence applications.)
Number of applications for variations to licences to permit audible noise is growing – already much greater that proponents of the change had suggested.
Detailed minutes will be published on CEC website.
13 March 2017
(with Guillaume Evrard) South Central Neighbourhood Partnership (SCNP)
Presentation by Scottish Fire & Rescue Service revealed shocking statistic that 60% of callouts are unnecessary.
Public consultation underway and has been circulated around MCC.
Ditto a public consultation on policing.
Update on South East Locality Improvement Plan – priority is to be tackling poverty.
(Note: not all poverty to be found in deprived areas – 10% of kids at Morningside Primary School are defined as living “in poverty”.)
Detailed report on participatory budgeting where local people decide on disbursement of community grants.
Plan is to put the process online.
Five applications considered for funding at this meeting, including Meadows Festival.
Most controversial was bid for one-off grant to establish weekly 2K Junior Parkrun on the Meadows. (GE has circulated his views.) Successful in the end.
Detailed minutes will be published on CEC website.