Merchiston Leaf Clearing Update

The Merchiston Community Council Leaf Clearing Project — devised by Joan Houston and run by her with Helen Zealley — had a successful launch on the weekend of 25–26 September.  Almost 40 local residents volunteered to help, in response to a local advertising campaign using posters, leaflets and social media.    

City of Edinburgh Council provided brushes and collection bags which were taken to those householders who planned to collect leaves in their own street in their own time.    Others came along to Abbotsford Court on Saturday and Sunday to be part of a team of helpers, directed and encouraged by Joan and Helen.  Warm sunny weather helped considerably.  Altogether, the team managed to fill an impressive number of bags, collecting:

  • 57 bags of leaves, plus
  • 9 bags of grit/mud

We will announce further dates for communal leaf clearing sessions shortly.   For further information or to volunteer your help, please email

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5 thoughts on “Merchiston Leaf Clearing Update”

  1. Well done to all of you for all the bags of leaves. I have done the same but am having trouble getting them picked up by the council. It’s 10 days since I emailed them so have sent another message. Please can you tell me who you contacted to get your bags collected? Many thanks.

  2. Pingback: Our first street Spring Clean - BANZAI Edinburgh

  3. Have filled up lots of bags of leaves – but cannot find out who/where to contact the council for a pick-up? Can you help

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