The below information is from Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, by Willie Clark (NHWN, NWS Co – ordinator, NW Scotland)
Attachment: Coronavirus Scam – Scotland Postcard.pdf
The following information / advice has been circulated on behalf of Police Scotland Edinburgh Division Residents in Edinburgh are being made aware of a few incidents that have happened over the last couple of days (different areas in Edinburgh) where bogus persons knock on a potential victim’s door and ask for money for a relative / nearby neighbour who has been recently hospitalised due to the Coronavirus. No one has fallen for this SCAM so far, but Police are asking householders to be wary and vigilant, and to bear this MO in mind and to encourage people to report anyone they are suspicious of via 101 or 999 in an emergency. A Trading Standards Aide Memoire is attached to this message and residents can also get (generic) doorstep crime / bogus caller advice on the Police Scotland website on the link below: We regularly signpost individuals, communities and partners (who wish to help their local street / community) to the following sites. The sites have advice for those who want to volunteer and support communities (with guidance on how to set groups up) – as well as including good, basic, and generic crime prevention advice and legal compliance advice: Ready Scotland – Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council (EVOC) who are compiling a very good (local) directory or services and supports for individuals and families – City of Edinburgh Council who have a dedicated page for Covid-19 and supports available for residents as well as signposting to local CEC resilience centres for certain enquiries and urgent help – |