If you ever take tablets or capsules, from paracetamol to prescription medication, you may wonder whether you can put the clear plastic and foil so-called “blister packs” in the recycling.
The answer as yet is no – and there has been nowhere in Edinburgh where it is possible to hand them in to be recycled, Superdrug in Glenrothes seemingly the nearest place!
Now Merchiston Community Council has sponsored a Terracycle recycling box for these packs once they are empty. This is in the Eric Liddell Community Hub at Holy Corner and we hope that it will be well used and perhaps encourage other organisations, such as pharmacies, to offer this facility.
You can find the box on the left just beyond the cafe tables at the Eric Liddell Hub. Please do collect the packs and take them there.
Please only put empty blister packs in the box, and nothing else!