Members of Merchiston Community Council were sad to hear of the death on 4 April of Chris Wigglesworth. Others will write of his roles as a City of Edinburgh ward councillor, a church minister and as a community activist through his association with Tollcross Community Council (of which his wife Ann was an active member), but what we in MCC will remember with particular gratitude and affection is his unflagging championship of local people whether or not they were his constituents, lived within the Tollcross area and/or shared his political views. Chris frequently supported us at the Licensing Board, and MABLAG (Meadows & Bruntsfield Links Action Group), while he and Ann regularly flew the community councils flag at the Meadows and Canal Festivals.
He was a man blessed with great wisdom which he wore lightly yet was always willing to share with others when required. And, as many are saying, he quite simply was “a lovely man”.
We will miss him and we send our deepest condolences to his family.
Chris’s funeral took place at 11am on Thursday 16 April and was for obvious reasons a family-only event. Anyone wishing to see a recording of the funeral can do so via the following website: Username: mortonhall9068 Password: 581462.
The family say it will take them up to 5 working days after 16 April to get the 28-day Watch Again set up.
There will be a service of thanksgiving for Chris’s life later in the year.