Smoother does not mean safer! Have the pavement works at the Polwarth roundabout achieved anything? We think very little!

To the enormous frustration of all those involved in the detailed Merchiston Community Council study of the road safety and public realm problems around the Polwarth Roundabout, CEC has insisted on carrying out long-planned works to resurface the pavements at the Polwarth Gardens / Yeaman Place intersection without pausing to consider whether it could cost-effectively incorporate the proposals of our own Polwarth Pavements Project (see report here).  The result of those (expensive) 26-weeks of work is smoother pavements but no improvement in pedestrian or cyclist safety.  The resurfacing has effectively entrenched the 1970’s layout and runs counter to CEC’s design guidance.  The community’s concerns – about vehicle volume and speed and the over-use of the rat-run – remain acute. We believe that at least some of our relatively cost-effective but important changes should still be implemented.

If you agree, please consider writing to your local councillors and MSPs (via Write to Them) and/or writing to us at Merchiston Community Council:

To discuss this further do log in to our public meeting (next meeting 18th June on Zoom – see home page for the link).

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