Merchiston Community Council — Minutes of Public Meeting (by Zoom)
Date: 15th October 2024
Chaired by Ian Doig, Chair of Merchiston Community Council (MCC)
Started: 19:00.
Ended: 21:00
MCC Members: Ian Doig (ID, Chair), Vivien Kitteringham (VK, Vice Chair, Zoom Host), Daniel Cairns (DC, MCC Secretary), Joan Houston (JH), Bridget Stevens (BS), Raphael Uddin (RU, Minute taker), Roma Menlowe (RM), Klaus Glenk (KG)
Ward 9 Councillor: Val Walker (VW, Labour)
Residents: Eileen Brolls (EB), Elizabeth Farnood (EF), Farhad.
1.Introduction, Apologies & Declarations of Interest
Apologies had been received from Mairianna Clyde, John McKenna, Vanessa Meadu, Helen Zealley, Frances Hawarden and Cllr Ben Parker.
There were no declarations of interest.
2.Residents’ Issues Forum
EB introduced herself as a resident of Bruntsfield Gardens, wishing to discuss the ongoing problems with the new Bin Hubs. Many of the residents of Bruntsfield Gardens have taken issue with the design and placement of the recycling facilities, and EB was looking for updates on the recent CEC meeting attended by Community Council members (including John McKenna from MCC), and for advice on how residents could move forward with complaints in preparation for meetings/reviews in November.
ID referred to John McKenna’s report from the latest meeting, sharing this document with EB and other residents of Bruntsfield Gardens after the meeting for updates.
VW said progress had been made in increasing flexibility of planning criteria, and recommended EB contact Cllr Mandy Watt (or any ward councillor) for further advice, as she has had success helping residents solve this issue in the past.
EB said that working with city councillors hasn’t helped in the past, expressing discontent for regulations meaning that the “perceived impact” of Bin Hubs cannot be merely transferred to another property when residents want them moved. VW clarified that that this is to ensure problems with Bin Hubs aren’t passed on from one set of residents to another, but EB said that it isn’t a “not in my backyard” scenario, that she believes her Bin Hubs have been placed poorly and with too many bins at each point. Both EF and EB (who both live on Bruntsfield Gardens) expressed concern for the value of their properties because of their proximity to these waste disposal and recycling bin hubs.
DC spoke about a street meeting he organized in Forbes Road, where 2 city councillors met onsite with residents and came to a solution involving moving the Bin Hubs away from residences and towards businesses to reduce the nightly impact. EB said that this would likely not work for Bruntsfield Gardens, as Forbes Road had commercial space that it could move bins to, while residents of Bruntsfield Gardens are looking to move their bins from one property to another person’s property, so that they don’t have to bear the brunt of the problem immediately outside their doors.
ID emphasised to residents that city councillors appear to be willing to listen to complaints from residents, and BS stated that concerns about property value when considering the Council’s installation of necessary waste disposal and recycling facilities may be a non-starter, as is the case when considering planning applications.
DC added that flexibility in the design and configuration of Bin Hubs would help avoid this problem going forward.
JH spoke on the issue of poor pavement quality on South Ettrick Road, saying that she will contact Ian Murray MP and Daniel Johnstone MSP about this to ensure that when the CEC work scheduled for the street takes place in early 2025, both the roads and pavements are resurfaced.
RM reported on the successful arrest of a drug dealer on Merchiston Avenue, an issue that had been ongoing for about three months, but has had a successful outcome thanks to cooperation between the community and the police. ID commented on MCC’s positive links with the Police, and how the “intelligence sharing” power of the community in respect to these two matters and MCC’s endeavours overall, can effectively get things done.
3. Minutes of Public Meeting of 17th September 2024; Matters Arising
The minutes of the meeting held on 17th September 2024 were approved
VW stated that there was one matter arising not featured on the agenda – the proposed development of the Caledonian Brewery. VW has received updates, saying that there has been a number of objections and so it will have to go to the CEC Development Management Subcommittee. The deadline for comments has passed, which should mean that the applicant can move forward, but the requirement for more information due to objections may stop this for now. It is still very much a live issue, and VW will pass on updates when she receives them.
ID added that Mairianna Clyde had submitted an objection on behalf of MCC, based on Graham Gorie’s concerns raised at a previous meeting, as a period for late comments was obtained. This objection has been forwarded to all MCC members.
4. Chair’s Report
ID spoke to his report (circulated), discussing a variety of issues including:
Community Council Elections 2025
-ID thanked Cllr VW for working on encouraging membership for Community Councils, VW added that the CEC publicity campaign will start well in advance of the elections, encouraging residents to get involved. EACC will also start their awareness-raising campaign for the CC elections soon.
Review of Community Councils
-Many concerns about the proposals in CEC’s review have been raised by many CCs, including MCC, but have been ignored. Main concerns include the lack of funds and other resources for CCs, the basis on which funding is decided by CEC, and tighter controls on Community Councils. Particularly concerning constraints, which are discussed further in the Cahir’s report, include prior approval by CEC required for Co-opted members, notification in advance of meetings (requiring sending minutes and agendas to CEC) and hybrid meetings.
-VW agreed to query the rules about co-options and suggested that the agenda/minutes requirements could be treated as part of the regular process of emailing members with these, simply copying CEC into these emails, though VW can also take that issue up with the relevant department. VW said hybridisation of meetings is intended to improve accessibility, mostly for CCs who were only operating in-person. Therefore, it may not be necessary for Merchiston Community Council to move from online meetings to hybrid meetings. VW said this was only her interpretation of the rules, but that she would investigate this further for MCC at upcoming meetings to check this.
Visitor Levy
-ID sought views on this, having attended meetings on this proposal at EACC, and wishing to represent MCC’s views. There are several suggestions discussed at EACC about what the estimated £50 million should be used for, including:
1.Bolstering general CEC funds, which would then go towards much-needed support for CEC activities such as Affordable Housing, Education and Poverty Alleviation across Edinburgh.
2.Funds should be divided between various areas of Edinburgh in proportion to the amount of money made from the tourist levy in that area (for example, Queensferry would receive a large percentage due to Cruise Liners there).
3.Funds should be ring-fenced and go towards only tourist-related projects/amenities as a way of giving back to those paying the levy.
-Following comments from VK, VW and RU, ID summarised the opinions expressed and concluded that MCC was in agreement about introducing a visitor levy being a good idea, that this should be applied to boost CEC funds, and that CEC can then decide what use to put this towards.
-Members agreed, with RM adding that it should be essential that the uses of this £50 million is completely transparent and visible to residents and tourists, with RU agreeing that, rather than allowing CEC to have these fund to use as they wish, it should be made clear what they are using them for, which will in turn allow residents to finally see positive impacts of tourism in their lives, while tourists will benefit from seeing the good causes the money will go towards.
-The Edinburgh Association of Community Councils AGM will be held on the 28th of November, and EACC must appoint new office bearers and board members. ID expressed his intention to continue on the EACC board, asking members of MCC for their approval for ID to continue to represent MCC on the Member’s Board. This was unanimously approved, with ID to seek nomination form signatures.
Police Forum
-ID recently attended the South West Edinburgh Police Forum and raised issues on speeding vehicles in the area, requesting more speed checks. However, speed checking equipment is in such demand that there is little chance of this. The possibility of MCC borrowing speed guns from the police for the residents/members of MCC to use was discussed at previous meetings, however this has now been ruled out by Police management due to concerns about the safety of residents when using these.
-Another issue involved speed cameras, which have been covered with hoods across the city. ID had asked the police if they would be able to take them down, however he was informed that these were property of CEC, who have perhaps installed these hoods as a cash-saving exercise. ID asked City Councillors to investigate the possibility of removing these hoods, as they are creating a “perverse incentive” by encouraging speeding as it is evident that no-one is watching.
5. Planning Report – Mairianna Clyde, Planning Lead
MC had given her apologies, with an email circulated to all MCC members providing updates on the issue of parking provision at the proposed Caledonian Brewery development.
6. Licensing Report – Bridget Stevens, Licensing Lead
BS briefly reported that she had received no communications about new licenses, or any complaints. There are a few licenses still under consideration, including Bell Bottom near the Polwarth Roundabout. They are operating using temporary licenses in the meantime.
7. Polwarth Pavements Improvement Project – Roma Menlowe
RM gave an update on the progress made by the group, with particular focus on plans for community engagement. They will soon be meeting with CEC to discuss proposed layout and options for the area. The Polwarth Pavements Group will prepare for this (they have invited a representative from Bruntsfield Primary to attend) and they will update MCC and residents following this meeting. CEC will be carrying out new surveys and vehicle/pedestrian counts to ensure their information is as up to date as possible. ID thanked RM and the entire team for their work on this, once again welcoming the support of ward councillors in this project, where their continuing engagement with residents and schools would be very helpful.
8. Local History Project – Raphael Uddin
RU shared with other MCC members that he and Frances have engaged with many interested groups, residents and experts recently. They attended Merchiston Tower’s Doors Open Day and the Printmaker’s Local Heritage event, which will also support their update of the website’s history section.
BS noted that the Edinburgh Room in the Central Library would be an accessible place to go for an initial investigation. ID informed RU that John McKenna may be of help, with knowledge about the architecture and historic development of the area to share. VK also said that her neighbour was interested in sharing her memories with the project; RU asked if she could be introduced to himself and Frances, at which point they will explore this further.
9. Leaf-Clearing Scheme – Joan Houston
JH reported that Helen has delivered collection bags to all those involved in the project. There are 38 members from previous years and 8 new members. She wished to thank CEC for their efficient collection of bags, and ID also expressed thanks for CEC’s cooperation. JH also mentioned that she would contact Scott Gilmore of CEC about Graffiti Kits. Craiglockhart CC are looking to emulate this in their own area, ID will send them information/resources regarding this.
10. Trees Issues – Roma Menlowe
RM spoke about trees in the Merchiston and Greenhill Conservation Area, inviting the approval of members of MCC regarding the preparation of a report summarising tree regulations and guidance to the MCC website. This was agreed, and it was also proposed that MCC explore the feasibility of a project to assess the level of felling in the area, which has been visibly high in recent years, with the levels of replanting unknown. It was agreed that this project be explored further, with updates at future meetings on what shall be done and what resources will be needed moving forward.
11. Treasurer’s Report – Frances Hawarden
FH sent her apologies, and ID spoke to her circulated reports. He noted that MCC has recently received the annual grant from CEC of £1054.70, and that MCC has a healthy amount of money in hand, which can now be put to good use. ID put forward a proposal by VM to invest in an email subscription service to MailerLite, at a cost of £90 per annum, which MCC members approved. This will be used for the Polwarth Pavements Project but can also extend to other MCC projects.
The recent installation of a Blister Pack recycling bin, sponsored by MCC and organised by VK, was discussed as the costs to keep it running are too high for MCC to do alone. It has been a great success within the community and is thought to be the only place to recycle Blister Packs in Edinburgh. Potential sites who could take on this bin were explored, including Bruntsfield Pharmacy and the Eric Liddell Centre, but MCC have not received any responses from them yet. VK will update MCC on any developments at future meetings.
ID spoke about RU’s work for MCC over the coming year, asking MCC’s permission to explore what work shall be remunerated, and discuss what the tasks involved in the role of Project Support Officer will be. It was decided that RU would be the default minute-taker for the year, with remuneration to be decided by ID and FH for this and other tasks at a later date. ID requested that a pool of several MCC members would be available to take minutes when RU is unavailable, and to share the workload.
12. City Councillors’ Reports
VW had a brief report on EV charging facilities and recently repaired streetlights. ID thanked VW for her support of MCC.
13. Other Reports & Correspondence
There were no other reports or correspondence.
14. Any other business – None.
15. Future Meetings:
2024 – 19th November.
2025 – 21st Jan, 18th Feb, 18th Mar, 20th May, 17th June, 16th Sept, 21st Oct, 18th Nov