On Saturday 4th January a large group of us, led by local councillor Gavin Corbett, grabbed litter pickers, bin bags, rakes and shovels and moved out along the path of the old Caledonian Railway, which runs from Harrison Palace to Dundee Terrace. We made use of the litter pickers supplied by Merchiston Community Council, which are stored at Margiotta’s on Ashley Terrace for just such a purpose, to scour the path for litter and dumped rubbish, This is always easier in winter when it is less hidden by vegetation. Leaf mould was scraped back and the path made more walkable, and yet more glass was removed from under the Harrison Road bridge!
We’d like to encourage more footfall on the path, and suggestions were made to add lighting in some places to make it easier to use after dark.
If you are interested in activities in the area of Harrison Park, do join the Facebook group “Friends of Harrison Park.” Your suggestions are always welcome, both there and on this website.