Next MCC public meeting: Tuesday February 16th, 7.00 pm

Our next Public Meeting will be held using Zoom on Tuesday 16th February, 7.00 pm — 9.00 pm. See Meeting Agenda for more details and these instructions on how to join a Zoom meeting.


You can join the meeting using this link:

Zoom Conventions

We know that it can be tricky figuring out how to participate in online meetings and we are still evolving ways of making this work for everyone. Here are our current conventions:

  • When you first join the meeting, you will be prompted to write your name in a dialogue box. It’s very helpful if when you do this you can also include your role or the organisation that you are representing. So, for example, you might write “Lee Smith (Resident)” or “Kim Waverley (CEC Officer)”.
  • Once you have joined the meeting, your microphone will be automatically muted be the meeting organiser. You can unmute yourself by clicking on the microphone icon in the Zoom window. However, in order to reduce background noise for everyone, please keep your microphone muted except when you are asked to speak by the Chair.
  • As long as you have your video on, you can attract the Chair’s attention by physically raising your hand. Alternatively, you can use Zoom’s Raise Hand feature.
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